I'M INN Zwettl - Hotel zum Brauhaus

Hotel, B&B

This business is excellent…

  • Radpartner Niederösterreich

Your stay

austrian & smart – so präsentiert sich das neue I'M INN Zwettl. Das moderne, helle Hotel wurde als Niedrigenergiehaus innovativ mit nachhaltigen Einrichtungsmaterialen errichtet. Zwettl eignet sich als idealer Ausgangspunkt für Ausflüge ins Waldviertel und in die Wachau. Gäste schätzen außerdem die zentrale Lage in Zwettl

This is what other guests say about this host: I'M INN Zwettl - Hotel zum Brauhaus

Excellent hotel for solo travelers. Close to parking areas. Awesome vibe.

Good to know

  • Modern Hotel

  • Accessible parking

  • New rooms

  • Professional service

  • Awesome vibe

  • Tasty breakfast

  • Great room

  • Fantastic service

  • Great room

Highlights from the 147 ratings

  • Cleanliness

    5.0 / 5
    12 ratings
  • Location

    5.0 / 5
    19 ratings
  • Breakfast

    4.8 / 5
    33 ratings
  • Vibe

    4.8 / 5
    24 ratings
  • Service

    4.4 / 5
    33 ratings
  • Room

    4.2 / 5
    34 ratings
  • Breakfast

    4.9 / 5
    6 ratings
  • Vibe

    4.8 / 5
    6 ratings
  • Room

    3.9 / 5
    10 ratings
  • Comfort

    3.8 / 5
    5 ratings
  • Service

    4.4 / 5
    6 ratings

Features of accommodations

  • Detailed features of accommodations
    Modern atmosphere, Smoke-free host, Wheelchair accessible as per ÖNORM, Wheelchair accessible toilet facilities, TV in the room, Washing machine, Wifi, Room with balcony, Baby bed, Baby highchair, E-bike charging station, E-fuelling station, Family-like atmosphere, Breakfast room, Suitable for wheelchairs, Comfortable atmosphere, Hotel safe, Internet usage options, Elevator
  • Service
    Bicycle storage room, Breakfast, Garage, Drinks for sale in the establishment, Pets on request, Pets allowed, Cold snacks, Children's discounts, Parking, Daily newspaper
  • Sports/recreation
    Running track
  • We speak ...
    German, English
  • Capacities
    Beds: 44, Rooms: 22, Double rooms: 22, Rooms with balcony: 2
  • Location
    at the outskirts of the village, calm environment
  • Distance
    to the next train station: 0.5 km, to the lake: 10 km, to the next stop: 0.5 km, to the city center: 0.7 km

Location and how to get there

Inquire about I'M INN Zwettl - Hotel zum Brauhaus

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