Wachau World Heritage Trail 07: Aggsbach Markt - Emmersdorf

Trekking trail from Aggsbach Markt, Marktplatz (market square) to Emmersdorf, Marktstraße (market road)

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Tour dates
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Route: 14,91 km
  • Ascent: 547 egm
  • Descent: 544 egm
  • Duration: 5:00 h
  • Lowest point: 207 m
  • Highest point:523 m
  • Stage tour
  • Nice views
  • With refreshment stops
  • Cultural/historical value
  • Botanical highlights

Details for: Wachau World Heritage Trail 07: Aggsbach Markt - Emmersdorf

Brief description

The Jauerling plateau its villages, belltowers, panoramic views and the secluded small castle like church to Gossam are parts of this diverting hiking tour on the Wachau World Heritage Trail from Aggsbach Markt to Emmersdorf. 


Wachau World Heritage Trail: From Aggsbach Markt to Emmersdorf

This stage of the Wachau World Heritage Trail leads you from Aggsbach Markt all the way to Emmersdorf. On pitcturesque ways you walk via Edelberg (hill) to a plateau named „Bärenreut“, where you get great views of the surrounding area. Via Zintring and Felbring you reach the ruin of Gossam and afterwards you follow the historic postman‘s track (Brieftägersteig) to Mödelsdorf. On an old trade route the way leads you into the Renaissance village Emmersdorf at the Danube for a relaxed ending of the tour.

Starting point of the tour

Aggsbach Markt, Marktplatz (market square)

Destination point of the tour

Emmersdorf, Marktstraße (market road)

Route description Wachau World Heritage Trail 07: Aggsbach Markt - Emmersdorf

At the market square in the old wine village Aggsbach Markt you turn left and immediately afterwards at the tavern of family Kurz you walk up to the right. After crossing the rails of Wachau train, you walk up left to Edelberg (hill). Via a beautiful forest road your way leads further to Glatzberg (hill 482m heigh). From Glatzberg you keep walking upward to plateau Bärenreut. On top you can enjoy a wonderful view with the Jauerling and Maria Laach in sight, before you continue walking on a gravel path to Zintring with its worth seeing belltower. At the hamlet you cross a part of the Jauerling round trip (Jauerling-Rundweg). At the last house you turn left, cross Grimsingbachtal (valley) and reach restaurant “Waldruhe” in Felbring. After crossing the main road you turn left and cross part of the Jauerling round trip again. Leading diagonally through a christmas tree plantation the way continues in the woods always going down until “Käfermühle” (mill) and the Felbringbach (creek) which you cross. For a short excursion to visit the small castle like church Gossam you follow the road to the left. Just a minute later you reach the ruin with the picturesque church, also a good place to take a rest. Back at Käfermühle you turn left and take the old postman’s track until hamlet Mödelsdorf. After the end of the village you turn left into a gravel path which leads you to the Renaissance and former wine growing village of Emmersdorf (nowadays there is no wine growing in Emmersdorf). In the village you walk left to the defense church (patron saint Holy Nicholas), which invites you to come in. Afterwards you follow the diverson leading to the trainstation and walk down the “Kolomanistiege” (stairs named after Saint Koloman). At the end of the stairway you reach market road with Renaissance buildings and the Magdalenenkapelle (Mary Magdalene chapel), where this stage ends.



Highway A1 until exit Melk, following B3a and B3 to Aggsbach Markt or Emmersdorf. 


Possible in Aggsbach Markt at the campsite or the parking lot in front of the Venussaal (event hall), in Emmersdorf at the parking lot oft he landing-stage. 

The villages can be reached 7 days a week with public transportation (bus or train). Its possible to get back to the start of the tour. On the north shore (Bus WL 1 from trainstation Krems via Dürnstein-Weißenkirchen-Spitz-Aggsbach Markt-Emmersdorf-Melk trainstation) hourly buses depart 7 days a week. On the south shore (Bus WL 720: from trainstation Krems via Mautern-Rossatz-Arnsdörfer-Aggsbach Dorf-Schönbühel-Melk trainstation) buses are departing every two hours. Spitzer Graben (WL 718 connection between Spitz and Mühldorf) operates from Spitz departing every two hours. Info at: www.vor.at . Wachautrain operates on weekends and public holidays (3 times a day) more information: www.noevog.at

At the nature park Jauerling bus (WL 722, www.naturpark-jauerling.at ) and to Göttweiger Berg (hill) buses (WL 723) operate on weekends and public holidays as shuttle bus service with fixed tours and have to be called one hour prior of departure. Phone: 0043 810 810 278 to make reservation and more info at www.vor.at .

Stations for the bike rent system „nextbike“ (1€ per hour) are located in Aggsbach Markt and Emmersdorf. www.nextbike.at   

More info/links

For restaurants and accommodation we recommend „Best of Wachau“ businesses: www.bestof-wachau.at . You find   „Best of Wachau“ members in Emmersdorf.

Further opportunities for restaurants, taverns and cafes and opening hours:

Restaurant „Zum Kranz“ in Aggsbach Markt: end of April till end of October open daily except Monday. Closed during winter, Phone: 0043(0)2712/210.

Cafe&Pub Donauwelle (Danubewave) in Aggsbach Markt: open year-round from Monday to Sunday. (Phone 0043(0)2712/373)

The stamp station is located in Felbring.

You can find restaurants that are open year-round in Emmersdorf.

The only tavern in Aggsbach Markt: Family Kurz (Phone: 0043(0)676/4730729).

In the small village of Willendorf there is also the tavern of Rudof Schrutz (Phone: 0043(0)2712/543).

Please see the current calendar for opening hours (Heurigenkalender) at www.welterbesteig.at .

More opportunities for accommodation are in Aggsbach Markt and Emmersdorf

For easy and convenient organization of the tours its good to have the Wachau-Nibelungengau-Kremstal application. Just download for Android or iPhone


Hiking boots, raincoat, enough to eat and drink, a trail map and maybe a list of open taverns. You can find an equipmentlist on www.welterbesteig.at section service/tips. 

Safety information

In case of an emergency call the mountain rescue Wachau: 140

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