

Your stay

Silence and deceleration are the reasons to make this place so special. These facts and in addition the simple architecture of the house are invitining you to visit and stay at Zweitwohnsitz.
A mix of hotel, Bed & breakfast and Airbnb make your stay intresting and lovely, because you will immediatly feel like home - your Zweitwohnsitz (second home).

This is what other guests say about this host: Zweitwohnsitz

Excellent accommodation. Awesome vibe.

Good to know

  • Good management

  • Friendly service

Highlights from the 39 ratings

  • Comfort

    5.0 / 5
    5 ratings
  • Vibe

    5.0 / 5
    5 ratings
  • Service

    5.0 / 5
    9 ratings
  • Breakfast

    5.0 / 5
    11 ratings
    • „Good breakfast“
  • Location

    5.0 / 5
    8 ratings
    • „Lovely location“
  • Room

    4.7 / 5
    7 ratings
    • „Beautiful living room“

Features of accommodations

  • Detailed features of accommodations
    Smoke-free host, Terrace/guest garden, Wifi, Lounge area, Bar, Family-like atmosphere, Breakfast room, Comfortable atmosphere, Barbecue area, Historical atmosphere, Sunbathing lawn
  • Service
    Bicycle storage room, Breakfast, Breakfast buffet, Drinks for sale in the establishment, Pets not allowed, Cold snacks, Pick-up frm the nearest train station, Transfer/shuttle service, Vegetarian cuisine
  • Sports/recreation
    Hiking trails, Garden, Running track
  • Host meeting
    Projector, Flip chart, Internet connection in conference room, Conference room, Loudspeaker, Screen, Video system
  • We speak ...
    German, English, Italian
  • Capacities
    Beds: 12, Rooms: 5, Double rooms: 4, Shared rooms: 1, Rooms with balcony: 1, Maximum groupsize: 12, Conventionrooms: 2, Conventionrooms from(size in m²): 35, Conventionrooms to(size in m²): 45
  • Location
    by the river, rural location, calm environment
  • Distance
    to the airport: 140 km, to the next train station: 3 km, to the motorway: 60 km, to the city center: 3 km

Location and how to get there

Inquire about Zweitwohnsitz

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We will store your contact details (name, address, e-mail and telephone number) and your travel details (arrival/departure date, number of persons, number of children and age of children) for the purpose and duration of processing your non-binding enquiry with us and will pass on this information to the relevant host/provider in order to prepare a quotation. Apart from this, we will not pass on your data to any third parties. Further information on your rights as data subject and to us as data controller can be found in our data privacy policy.

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