Astronomical Centre Martinsberg

Scenic lookout


Here you are especially close to the stars

Located at 860 metres above sea level in the south-western Waldviertel, the Martinsberg Astronomical Centre (AZM) is the highest public observatory in Lower Austria. It was reopened in August 2021 and since then regularly offers events around the stars and space travel. This is because, as a special advantage, the AZM is located away from the major conurbations. This means that light pollution is still kept within limits here.

The AZM includes the Orion Volkssternwarte, two private observatories and the Fireball Station, which is operated by the Austrian Astronomical Society in cooperation with scientists from the Czech Republic. Lecture work takes place in the new exhibition and presentation building.

The aim of the association is to communicate astronomical topics to the population of the region and the beginning of 2023, the association has 130 members. The advantage of membership (annual fee 15 euros) is that all events at the AZM are free of charge. Families with underage children can apply for a family ticket (annual fee 15 euros).

Anyone who does not want to become a member of the AZM/Orion Observatory Association, or does not want to do so immediately, can of course attend our events for a small contribution towards expenses.

The observatory hiking trail and the Ysper-Weitental circular hiking trail lead directly past the observatory.

Day tours for groups and school classes and evening observations for up to 10 people possible by appointment!

Annual programme 2023:

Your contact persons at AZM:

Michael Jäger (Chairman), Tel. 0676 / 3246998
Brigitte Wagner (Deputy, Treasurer), Tel. 0664 / 8920072
Peter Schmutzenhofer (Deputy), Tel. 0676 / 845011445
Christian Mühlbacher (Deputy), Tel. 0660 / 5474559
Gerald Wagner (Webmaster), Tel. 0660 / 5747705
Municipal office Martinsberg (general enquiries), Tel. 02874 / 627812

Facility features

  • Tours


  • Dogs allowed
  • rural location
  • calm environment

Location and how to get there